Lisa Ashcroft at


Eye Candy

3rd September - 1st October
Fri, Sat & Sun from 1.30 to 4.30

You are invited to a Private View of
Lisa Ashcroft's new work

Sunday 3rd September

refreshments will be served.

“The use of kitsch incorporates the commonplace to intentionally question society’s morals in a formal way.

My interest is how I merge urban culture and perception: the way we look at the world, building up an image of the whole from different fragments of travel (looking and reacting to culture) and humour (universal language). I try to embrace, yet challenge aesthetic traditions and their critical interpretations.

Everyone absorbs influence, I chose mine carefully then my style developed as part of my personality. My technique is useful because it enables me to do something valid; it isn’t the objective it’s the means of creation.

Each painting is created by the obsessive labour of stitching. The viewer is drawn into the work by the sublime, found in the sparkle of glitter, the sumptuous textures and vivid colours in which, the ‘cute’ layered appearance camouflages the crude and seedy (mimicking our own consumerate culture)”.Lisa Ashcroft